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O-ten Ita Foundation

In 2009, the foundation was incorporated with the Corporate Affairs Commission, Abuja – Nigeria, under the registration number CAC/IT/NO 3122. The foundation was born out of an uncontrollable passion for supporting less privileged women and children in both rural and urban communities.


We Care About You


O-ten Ita Foundation empower through various programs aimed at empowering beneficiaries across five core thematic areas: Health, Family, and Human Life; Agriculture and Livelihood; Education; Good Governance; and Institutional Capacity Development.

Become a Beneficiary

To become a beneficiary of O-ten Ita Foundation's programs, follow these steps:
  • Identify Relevant Programs: Review the foundation's strategic directions and programs to determine which ones align with your needs.
  • Demography: Look for demographic criteria for each program, such as age, location and gender.
  • Check Eligibility Criteria:: Reach out to O-ten Ita Foundation through the contact us page for enquires in regards to specific eligibility criteria for each program  at which you're expressing interest for empowerment.
  • Follow-up: Wait for a response from the foundation and follow up as necessary.
By following these steps, you will enjoy  available empowerment and benefits through O-ten Ita Foundation's programs.